Does My Pet Rat Even Like Me? – How To Know

Inga Hadley • Oct 08, 2020

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Does My Pet Rat Even Like Me? – How To Know

Sometimes it can feel like our pet rat would rather be anywhere but with us. This doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like us (though it might)! Learn to read the signs a rat shows when they really do love us.

If you are wondering if your pet rat likes you, pay attention to if any or all of the below signs are evident:

·        Grooming of itself and you

·        “Marking” you with its scent

·        Readily taking treats

·        Bruxing/Boggling

·        Pink ears

·        Following you around

Rats don’t always show all these signs all the time, but chances are if they do one or more of these things, they love you!

Of course, there will be variations in the way different rats show affection. Our four all show it a little differently! 

grey and white rat in a blue plastic castle

6 Ways To Know Your Rat Likes You

Since rats are prey animals, and can be very skittish, it can be hard sometimes to tell if they like us! Especially with female rats, as they tend to be more “on the go” than male rats. That’s why we’ve provided a list of 6 ways to know our rats love us.

1. Grooming

If you’ve owned rats before, you know they LOVE to groom themselves and their cagemates. They also like to show this same inclusion to their humans they see as “theirs.”

While rats can’t groom a human like they do the other rats in their cage, they can clean us in their own way, usually by licking. Two of my rats are huge groomers and will groom my hand anytime I put it near them!

In my experience, the grooming isn’t confined to licking. Rats will also try to remove anything they see as “foreign” on you, including fake nails, nose rings, and the crust you get on your eyelids after waking up.

The last one was actually a painful experience from my rat Buttons, who, meaning well and trying to clean my eyelid, bit down on it. While it was quite painful, I appreciated the gesture!

Another sign of trust is when your rats groom themselves while on or near you. It means they see you as a safe space to take care of their hygiene and not worry about predators.

2. Scent Marking

Another thing rats like to do is pee on everything they love. So before you are grossed out by this behavior, consider it a love letter!

Rats like to mark what is theirs, so by “scenting” you by rubbing against you or peeing a bit on you, they are showing they like you. Peeing on their humans is especially prevalent in male rats, but one of my females likes to “show us the love” quite a lot, so it really depends on the individual rat. 

Keep in mind rats tend to scent a lot in general, but you will notice when they run across your foot or hand and drop a couple drops every time they pass!

grey rex dumbo eared rat sitting on a pink lava ledge

3. Eagerness to Eat

You know the old Disney movies where the wild animals eat out of the princess’ hand? This is basically that. While it may seem like any rat would accept a delicious treat out of your hand, not so!

It took a couple of our rats about a month after getting them before they would accept a treat from us while we were holding them. If they were in the cage, they had no problem eating, but when they were with us, not even a sniff.

It was the most satisfying thing when Jinx, our most timid rat, finally trusted us enough to sit on our shoulders or in our laps and munch on a yogi without being fearful.

Because rats are prey animals, if they don’t feel safe it’s hard for them to eat, as they need to be on high alert, so a rat eating on you away from the cage is a huge sign they see you as a safe space. 

4. Bruxing and Boggling

If you’ve never seen a rat brux or boggle, watch this video. It is something else, and can be terrifying if you don’t know what it means!

While it kind of looks like their eyes are going to pop out of their heads, if a pet rat does this, it means they are incredibly happy and relaxed.

While they will also do it while stressed, it is generally pretty easy to tell the difference by their body language and what is going on in that moment.

The ultimate show of happiness and contentment is when your rats exhibit this behavior while you’re holding and petting them! Keep in mind every rat is different, so just because your rat doesn’t boggle while you hold them doesn’t mean they don’t love you!

5. Pink Ears

This is my favorite way to tell if rats like you. Their ears turn pink! How cute is that?

When rats are relaxed and happy, more blood flows to their ears and they deepen in color. Their ears will also relax to the side, and not look on high alert.

While it can be hard to tell if their ears are relaxed (especially in dumbo rats because their ears always look droopy), after spending time with your rat you will be able to tell.

I first noticed the pink ears on our top eared rat, Nimue. I call her our happiest rat, because she will boggle will I pet her, and I can visibly see her ears change color while petting her!

6. Follow the Leader

Arguably the funniest way rats show their love, this is when they are super happy to see you and want to follow you everywhere.

For example, when we first got our rats, free roam time was rough, because they never wanted to come back to us. Now I feel like the Pied Piper, walking around with a trail of rats!

If your rats run to the front of the cage when you approach, try to climb up your legs when they’re loose, and just generally like to be with you, this is a big sign your rat likes you.

A very special moment is when your rat is so comfortable with you that they are content to cuddle with you, and even fall asleep on your lap!

black dumbo eared rat hiding behind a white porcelain elephant

What To Do If Your Rat Doesn’t Like You

But what if your rat doesn’t show any of these signs of affection? That doesn’t necessarily mean they hate you, just that they may be a bit cautious.

If you feel like your bond with your rats is lacking, don’t give up! Try the following:

·        Spend time with them: Spend time with your rats in non-threatening manner, no matter how long it takes. Keep in mind it can take weeks to months with certain rats, so don’t be impatient. Sit on the floor in front of their cage with the door open, talking to them in a quiet voice.

·        Put an article of clothing in their cage: To get them used to your smell, try putting an old t-shirt in their cage. Not only will it give them something to play with and burrow in, they will grow more used to your smell in their home.

·        Offer treats: If they won’t accept treats outside their cage, hold your arm with your hand inside their cage and line your arm with treats. This encourages them to come out of their cage bit by bit at their own pace.

·        Make sure they have a friend: Rats are much more comfortable in groups, so as you are spending time with a cautious rat, it helps to have their buddy with them especially if their buddy is confident! Remember rats should always be kept in pairs at the least.

Depending on the rat, it can be a long or short process to get them to like you. Even some well-bred rats are just more cautious than others and take a little time to adjust. The important part is not to get discouraged!

Final Thoughts

We all want our rats to love us, and sometimes it can seem like they have better things to do and places to be! But we have to keep in mind they are different than humans and show their love in different ways. Now you have the knowledge to know for sure if your rat likes you!

What are some ways your pet rat tells you they love you? Share your stories below!

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