Rat Care

horizontal rat cage setup with rats
By Inga Hadley 10 Aug, 2023
Purchasing your first rat cage can be stressful. Knowing how big of a cage to get, what factors matter most, and not wanting to experience buyer's regret can quickly take the fun out of an exciting venture! We cover all the information you need to make an informed decision to buy the best cage for you and your rats, and create a fun, engaging setup for them!
black and white rat laying on a plastic castle
By Inga Hadley 30 Aug, 2021
Having trouble keeping your rats cool during a heatwave? We've compiled 10 tips and tricks to help you keep the heat off your beloved rats to keep them comfortable, cool, and safe.
brown and white cat laying on a grey couch
By Inga Hadley 18 Oct, 2020
Stories of interspecies friendships are common. The cat is best friends with the dog, the chicken and the goat form a deep bond, the list goes on. But can this be a reality for your pet rat?
black rat climbing out of purple hammock
By Inga Hadley 12 Oct, 2020
Possibly one of the most terrifying experiences of a rat owner – you go to the cage to say hi to your rats and one or more of them has escaped! How do you find such a small animal when there are so many places they can hide? We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to help rat owners get their escapees back safe in their cage.
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